Tag Archives: Vietnam

Thrive Camillus Fixed Blade Knife

Check out this old Camillus military-issue fixed-blade knife that was recently renovated in true Thrive style.  Google is pretty sure that this is a Camillus CM-5684B, a relic of the Vietnam era (Source 1, and 2).

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It was a parting gift for a friend who was moving, and preparing to take on a great challenge.  Some serious Dremel action buffed off the phosphate coating and rust, and brought the high carbon steel to a mirror shine (note the second knife in it’s raw state for reference).  A bit of leather conditioner and black polish coaxed the sheath and handle back into service, and a length of cord with red beads retrofitted the leg tie.  Finally, a Lansky sharpening kit returned a surgeon’s edge to the beast.

The engraving reads, “FIRE UP – GET DIRTY – SCARE YOURSELF – BLEED” on one side of the blade.  The other side reads, “Do more than just survive…  THRIVE.”

It is more of a show piece now, but still a very capable tool if need be.

Do you possess any cool old toys like this one?  Shoot me some info in the comment box, or at thriveoutdoors@yahoo.com.  You could be featured in a future THRIVEtoys article!

Like blades?  You might also enjoy reading about the Bolo in, “So You Want to be John Rambo, Part I” and “Part II.”


The Time In Between

Welcome back to Thrive Outdoors!  It’s Friday here in the Land of the Rising Sun.  What better way to kick off the weekend than by scaring yourself?  Check out this great perspective on ditching your comfort zone through the eyes of our newest author, and get some inspiration for the weekend!


By Evan Crump

For a Wyoming boy like me, Southeast Asia was about as far from home as I could get. Before my trip I had only flown once and my traveling experience was confined to the Western United States and short stints in Mexico and Canada. I had not had a job in two years due to pharmacy school, but I had saved money from my school money for an emergency. I instead purchased a ticket to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Jon, Alex, and I had never been there and just learned some phrases before we left. None of us would know anyone for thousands of miles. All we had were our backpacks and each other. None of us knew what the next 9 weeks would have in store for us…

Continue reading The Time In Between